Certified Advanced Resume Writer
All resume writers are not equal, so how do you know which resume writer to work with? It is important to work with a professional who is committed to resume writing excellence. Here are the Top Ten Reasons You Need A CDI Certified Resume Writer:
- CDI Certified Resume Writers possess current knowledge of employment trends. A job seeker is only likely to update one resume every few years. A professional resume writer will have composed 5-10 resumes this week.
- CDI Certified Resume Writers apply well-considered strategies to document creation. Resumes written by certified professionals are meticulously crafted to align with the jobseeker’s targeted role through the careful composition and placement of narrative success stories, skills and experience. Most people are unaware that strategic and targeted writing is even an option.
- CDI Certified Resume Writers see the big picture. They are the objective third party when dealing with information with which the jobseeker has an emotional tie. Most people are too close to their own subject matter and can’t make the right choices about what information to keep in the resume, or take out.
- CDI Certified Resume Writers demonstrate superior knowledge of the English language, grammar and punctuation and possess the talent to write concisely and powerfully. “Fluffy” wording, clichés and run-on sentences that are so common in do-it-yourself resumes, have no place in a CDI certified professional’s writing repertoire.
- CDI Certified Resume Writers use strong and powerful words and phrases when communicating jobseekers’ achievements. Most people list duties, failing to understand that it is not what they do every day, but how they stamp their mark on a company that helps them stand out in a crowd of equally qualified candidates.
- CDI Certified Resume Writers know how to question people to extract the right information so that individual success stories can be crafted. Most jobseekers don’t know the right questions to ask themselves.
- CDI Certified Resume Writers are highly competent in the use of word processing software. Documents will look, as well as sound, superior to their do-it-yourself counterparts. Professional Resume Writers never resort to standard word processing templates, but instead, personally tailor eye-catching formats designed to showcase each jobseeker’s talents and value proposition.
- CDI Certified Resume Writers tell you the truth. Recruiters will not tell a jobseeker of resume mistakes, friends will be unable to advise the folly of applying for unsuitable roles. A professional resume writer is a caring, knowledgeable professional without a personal agenda, unconstrained by the rules of hiring, and one who has the most up-to-date knowledge of the employment market… all at your disposal.
- CDI Certified Resume Writers possess a wealth of knowledge about the careers sector including recruiter preferences, successful job search strategies, and social media and networking plans. Professionals have access to the full gamut of careers professionals including interview coaches.
- CDI Certified Resume Writers place a mirror to the face of the jobseeker and in doing so, provide an unfettered view of his or her worth in the marketplace. The mirror that shows such a value proposition provides an undeniable boost to confidence and self esteem.
Reprinted from Career Directors International.
Read about Posey Salem’s Certified Advanced Resume Writer credential here.